2, No 6, No 12, Baker’s Dozen…I told you that I’m crazy for these cupcakes, cousin!

That’s a wrap on August 23, as of tomorrow, we are officially hitting the stretch run.  The wife is doing very well in here smoking cessation.  Making me extremely proud of her.  Hopefully I am doing the same.  I have been inspired by many different things in these last 3 weeks.  My daughter who inspires me everyday to be a better person in general. Even though she is going through a crummy stage in life known as the terrible twos, she’s not quite two yet, but they’re coming, in small little waves.  Aside from that, she is the bee’s knees.



No but seriously, how can you NOT be inspired by that face?!?!?  Love, love, love me some Molly Grace!!!
At any rate, she is one of the main reasons I am inspired on a daily basis. My wife is another, and she is quite a woman, let me tell you.  If you are reading this blog because you know me personally, you know that I have many shenannies that I involve or have at one time or another have involved myself in.  Mostly for comic relief purposes and what have you.  My wife was privy to these shennanies before I proposed, yet she still said yes.  Said shenannies continued prior to our wedding day, she still showed up and said “I Do”.  Shenannies still continue to this day, albeit more mild in the shenannie department due to being a father and all of that good stuff.  To put up with my ass on a daily basis, is f*cking inspirational, if you don’t believe me, just ask around, you’ll get the scoop.

Another reason that I am inspired to achieve is the support I get from everyone who reads this blog.  Some of you I know, some of you I don’t.  Since this thing started full time 3 weeks ago I have had nearly 800 views, I didn’t think that was a remote possibility, but it is.  Now granted some of the views are probably because of things I tag such as basketball, or exercise, and what not, but still they’ve been led here, kinda like Spartacus, you know “I led you here sir, for I am Spartacus”.  I am astonished by the fact that people actually check the blog out.  I know I have a little help from my friends, though I don’t get by or get high with a little help from my friends, I still appreciate their plugs and the like.

A lot to be grateful for.  My boss at work actually wants me to start a support group for people at work who may have things they’re dealing with and to help unite the “team”.  I think in theory it’s a good idea, will it pick up steam and actually become a thing?  Maybe.  I don’t like what he’s calling it though.  “Living Big with Ryan Panos”  It sounds like some self-help guru on tour.  I am no guru, and I am just trying to help myself.  If I can impart anything to other people, that’s a bonus, but I don’t like the title.  It’s a bit how do I put this…douchy.  At any rate, not my idea.  I’m down with it, but not the title.  I’m not as excited about it as he is.  He asked me the other day actually, “So why just a month? Why not when the month is over go for two months?”  I told him,”the goal is to quit smoking in the month of August, which is currently being achieved, from then it will extend itself into two months, after one month, it’s no longer a goal, it’s just part of my routine.  Not to smoke.”  He seemed pleased with my response.  He’s a nice guy, don’t get me wrong, though he does take jabs at the blog.  He’ll say with a snicker “So how’s the blogging going?”  and I know he’s just being a smarmy prick, but hey it is what it is.  

I told him I do the blog to hold myself accountable.  Seriously though, I didn’t have to get on here and tell everyone about my set back two weeks ago, I could’ve lied about it, but that wouldn’t be holding myself accountable for my actions.  I did it because I’m keeping myself honest and I’m opening up to people I don’t even know and people I do know.  I know people are rooting for me, and that’s awesome.  Such a good feeling to know that there are people who actually do care if someone is bettering themselves, whether you’re familiar with the person or they’re a complete stranger.  Take for instance Deanna, I don’t know her personally, but through a mutual friend we both have Ben.  She’s been a very supportive person, and I don’t know her at all.  We’ve had some correspondence and discussed musical tastes, which is really cool.  She has good musical taste for sure.  But seriously, I’m a complete stranger to her, and she didn’t have to be a kind person and offer encouragement to me, but for whatever reason she felt compelled to do so, and for that I am super appreciative.    

My friend Cary, same thing.  He didn’t have to offer encouragement on a regular basis, but since he’s a stand up, good dude, he does.  And he really is a genuine dude, for real.  If you don’t believe me, ask someone, they have probably heard of him, that kind of friendless doesn’t go unnoticed.   His wife Erin, same thing.  Just good solid people who are rooting for the betterment of society as a whole, whether I am a friend of theirs or not, these people I mentioned like to see positive changes in everyone.  I am like that most of the time.  I think if you can make these efforts to build a better you, just imagine if everyone did something to better themselves how much better everything would be.  Start small, dream big…whoops, I just fell through my soapbox, until tomorrow!!!! 

2 thoughts on “2, No 6, No 12, Baker’s Dozen…I told you that I’m crazy for these cupcakes, cousin!

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