Here we go again, I kinda wanna be more than friends…

Sorry for the lack of a post for Friday.  Played a gig up in Michigan, it was a good time.  Had some people come out in support, I appreciated it very much.  Got to watch DA BEARS while I was playing, that’s always a treat.  Good people in Michigan.  Was completely smoke free.  Had a few beers, still managed to not smoke.  Making progress.  I love progress.  Moving forward.  Good stuff!!!  Premiered “Mullet Town” which was a song Ben Konowitz and myself had come up with.  He lost the original lyrics, but posted a tidbit on his blog from July 12th.  I will be posting a lo-fi demo of the song to my Sound Cloud page and giving you all link for Sunday.  It’s a country song.  I don’t play country music.  I don’t even really listen to it, but it turned out well.  Could be the next #1 hit, ya never know.  Anywho, it’s late and I’m tired.  Until another time!!!  Oh yeah, still maintaining the smoke-free craze today as well and had a wonderful day with my kiddo.  I love spending time with her!!!

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