Woke up, fell outta bed, dragged a comb across my head…

It’s been a really, really, really long time since I have written anything.  I guess I got pretty busy with things.  Life tends to get in the way.  In the past year, a lot of things changed. I changed residences. I changed marital status. I changed jobs.  I focused on changing myself.  My motto should have been “Change I Can Believe In”.  Over the course of the year I have kept pretty well with the anger management.  I’ve let a lot of things go.  I remember there were times when I would get drunk and the anger would be at the forefront.  Now I find, I have nothing to be mad about.  Anything I was ever angry at wasn’t necessarily my fault, but it was my inability to let it go.  I hurt people I cared about, I said a lot of things I probably shouldn’t have said, and more importantly acted in ways I should never have acted.  For what? To prove a point? To blow off some steam?  

For those of you that don’t remember, I gave up boozing for awhile last year as well.  I gave it up for about a month or so and cleared my head pretty good.  I was able to put things in perspective and begin to work on myself.  To work on the things that needed to be addressed. The anger, the patience, all of that stuff that I talked about when I was on a daily blogging frenzy.  Enter the summer of 2013, a new relationship had blossomed in my life, which the weird part was it was a romantic one.  After the ex-wife had decided to call it a day, I was kind of in free fall mode, but not in a bad way.  I was in a bad way when I was trying to reconcile and it wasn’t working out.  I had found solace in an old friend.  She grew up 2 doors down from me when we were in elementary school, and we lived in the same neighborhood for most of our youth.  We had lost contact with one another for quite sometime, until Facebook, and every year we’d send one another birthday greetings or what have you.  

It was when I really needed the advice of a female friend that I really sought her out on Facebook, and we started talking every single day.  Then we hung out for the first time in more than a decade and picked up right where we left off. There’s not too many people you have in your life that you can actually do that with.  We had been hanging out for a little while and if you know me, you know I joke around a lot. If you read this blog, you have no idea I have a sense of humor due to the mostly serious nature of my posts.  I had told her that she’d better watch out, because she was going to end up falling in love with me.  Low and behold, we have been seeing one another since June of 2013 and things are going quite well. My daughter has taken to her, and vice versa. She has 2 boys that I enjoy spending time with as well.  We’ve hit a snag here and there with work schedules and all of that grown up adult stuff that happens when you’re in your 30’s, but beyond that, when I was completely hopeless and though I could never care for another human being again in a romantic capacity, there she was.  The funny thing is, when were kids I had the biggest crush on her imaginable.  She asked me why I never said anything back then. My response was simply, it wouldn’t have mattered and this wouldn’t be happening now if I did.  

Granted my last relationship was 10 years, we’ve only just hit the 8 month mark, but it’s been quite good.  I have no complaints, well none I’d share with you on here, even though I’ve been quite the open book.  I’m just glad that after a rough start to 2013, it ended up being a pretty good year.  Socially, it was great, and with playing gigs, it was amazing.  I can’t wait to see what 2014 has in store.

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